As I was saying earlier those three “gob-smacking” stats set a fire under me. There just had to be a better way!

Vergo has been a calling. There was never any going back – only one foot in front of the other.

Creating an app and an online business brings new meaning to cash flow and burn rates. You are investing in hope. As my friend Jay Turo has written, you are striking a balance between “charming delusion” (your inspiring vision) and “cold hard reality” (you become an ATM machine).

Every time I thought of stopping, I would think of the 1.9 billion women around the world – all ethnicities, all shapes and sizes, rich, poor, smart, struggling – and I wondered how many of them knew about the crazy roller-coaster called peri-menopause. I would remember the women that approached me in the pharmacy whispering for my help because they truly thought they were going crazy.

I thought about my own brave conversation asking a psychologist, “Is this early onset Alzheimers?” Not even close, responded the doctor.

I thought about the number of other women asking the same question. I thought about the statistics around sex issues, mood swings, hot flashes and lack of sleep. Turning back was not an option.

Why Vergo? It’s not complicated. I want it to make a difference. When aging starts to invade – girls and boys – let’s figure out how to push back. Let’s be about more love, more sleep, more laughter, more sex and more fun.

Time to fight back.


Meet Deborah Kerr. She's a huge advocate for patient-focused healthcare. After twenty years of store management in community pharmacy, and ten years of corporate management for independent pharmacy, she developed an itch. The more she scratched, the more it spread. Why does menopause take so many women by surprise? Why does it have the ability to impact relationships, and families, and workplaces. It's insidious. She found herself shouting, "there has to be a better way".

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